I never thought I would be so excited for a bath to happen. After 11 days the cord finally fell off! It was bath day...:-) Our first bath went very well. Kyle was very excited and also very curious as to what was happening to him. I have included a snip it of his first bath for you below. I hope you enjoy it as much we did....:-)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Kyle's First Bath
I never thought I would be so excited for a bath to happen. After 11 days the cord finally fell off! It was bath day...:-) Our first bath went very well. Kyle was very excited and also very curious as to what was happening to him. I have included a snip it of his first bath for you below. I hope you enjoy it as much we did....:-)
Friday, December 26, 2008
O' Holy Night

Christmas was extra special this year with the two new babies in our family. As most of you know my sister had a baby at the end of July and his name is Brody. Brody and Kyle had there first Christmas together as cousins. We visited with their great Grandma Freeman and then spent Christmas Eve night with Gramma Huth. We had snacks, a nice dinner and hung out in our pajamas. Normally our family gets together for Christmas eve, but with all the little ones that were born so close to Christmas this year we did not have it. Hopefully next year we can all get together again.
Christmas day we spent with Pat's family. Traditionally Pat's mom is in Michigan for Christmas, but this year she came around New Years. She was able to meet Kyle and we were still able to celebrate the holidays together. Overall it was definately a wonderful occasion and one to remember. Since Kyle was born 2 weeks before I had a few themed outfits that he was able to wear at Christmas. I made sure that over the corse of two days he was able to wear them all.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Our First Night Home

We departed from Wyandotte Hospital around 6:30PM on Wednesday. I had brought Kyle a winter fram and a couple of outfits for our trip home. I was disappointed that the winter fram that I had picked out did not fit him! Kyle being on the small side when he was born only fit into the newborn pants and the hospital onsie..LOL! We made it work as you can see in the picture above. I was pretty nervous to have no nurses, who by the way were awesome, at home. I was also a little nervous to introduce the new baby to our animals! The introduction did not go bad at all. Shilo our shepherd mix was worse than Kyle the first night. She stayed up the majority of the night watching over him and wimpering! She is now his watch dog and good pal.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My Birth Story

My Birth Story...
December 8, 2008
I went to my 39 week (last) ultrasound at Oakwood Hospital and was told that the baby was progressing just fine but my water was low. I was immediately sent to Wyandotte Hospital to be induced. I remember having a range of emotions driving to the hospital. Everything from excitement to sheer panic. I arrived at Wyandotte, composed myself and got my stuff together that had been in the car already. Thank God for being on top of things! I had called a few people and waited as I was checked in. Pat met me shortly with the remainder of our stuff, he of course was nervous but held his composure very well. My doctor was already at the hospital waiting for me. She told me she was going to take this slow because we were not in an emergency situation. The remainder of that day they had just given me gel and let me get a good night sleep.
December 9, 2008
Six AM came very early as my doctor came in to begin pitocin. I was scared because I had heard that you begin to feel alot of labor pains when they use pitocin. I really did not feel any different until my doctor broke my water at 8:15am. It seemed to go real fast. The onset of contractions followed by more and more pain. I opted for the epidural and of course that did get rid of the contraction pain. My body seemed to want to push with every contraction after that. I remember her telling me that I was ready and the time was now. I only pushed for 16 minutes until I was able to meet my baby boy for the first time. At 1:46 PM Kyle Ryan was born! He was so beautiful that I did not feel any pain, or care what was going on post birth. We were lucky enough to get video and pictures of this blessed event. Although for a short time I thought the pain was going to over take me it was all worth it in the end. The rest of the night was wonderful. I began my journey of being a mother to Kyle.
December 10, 2008
Early (7am) my doctor came in and told me that I could go home any time today. Pat and I went back and forth about when we should go home. We could of stayed another night if we wanted, but why prolong what we will have to do when we go home. BE PARENTS.... and the story continues....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
My BABY Shower (10/12/2008)

I thought I should while I am getting used to this "blog" thing talk a little about my baby shower. It was a wonderful event! I was so excited to see all my friends and family again. I want to thank everyone again for all the beautiful gifts that we received for Kyle! We managed to get almost everything that we needed for his nursery. The rest of it we will get with the gift cards that we received. I am sure that we will find out what else is a necessity that we did not think of or had no idea that would need. My mom and sister did a wonderful job on the shower. My mom made the cutest diaper cakes for each center piece and they came out amazing. My sister did invitations that came out awesome and helped with the rest of the shower decorations. It was Classic Pooh themed and all the decorations turned out gorgeous. Thanks again Mom and Andrea!
Here are some more pictures from the shower
Monday, November 17, 2008
First Blog

This is my official first blog. I definately do not consider myself to be a great blogger, but only because I have never done it! Who knows maybe this might turn out to be something else that I get addicted to. I am now counting down the days until I meet our little boy. We now have a month until my due date. I am excited, and nervous all at the same time. I believe that we have everything ready, but am sure that we will learn quickly of the things that we do not. I am 36 weeks this week. I will have my last ultrasound and another non stress test. Everything so far has gone great!
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