Summer has been great so far.. Kyle is getting more and more animated every day. He seems to be getting so big fast, but yet everyone warned me that would happen. We do not go back to the doctor until Sept. for his 9 month appointment. I know that he has grown a couple of inches and gained a couple of pounds for sure. We have graduated to stage 2 foods and still have not found one we do not like. I myself am surprised at all the different baby foods that are out there. We have even started to buy some stage threes because 8 months is coming up quick and I want to be prepared. During the summer I can and garden so I am pretty excited to get to the farm market and make some fresh veggie varieties for Kyle.

Last week my nephew, and Kyle's cousin Brody turned ONE! Happy Birthday Brody! We had lots of fun at his birthday party. There was a bubble machine and lots of toys to play with. Kyle was able to swing for the first time in a baby swing and he absolutely loved it. Brody had a Nemo themed party that my sister did a wonderful job on.

We are headed to Tennessee on vacation and this will be our first road trip with Kyle. Pat's mom has not seen Kyle since March so she has a big boy surprise when we get there. We will be stopping and staying in Louisville to break up the trip. Pat and I have done this now the last few years that we have gone down to visit, and it works out great. This year we are excited to go to the Slugger Museum and get Kyle his first engraved bat! We will post all about the vacation once we get back. This vacation will be primarily for resting and relaxing. This will also be Kyle's first swimming pool experience, we have the new baby float and plenty of sunscreen packed up and ready to go.
Below I posted the video of Kyle in the baby swing. My new mission to find all parks with baby swings!