Every year we travel to Waverly, TN to visit Pat's family. This year was Kyle's very first time to TN, and he loved every minute of it. I was a little worried about traveling that far with Kyle, but he did real well. Of course it took a couple of rest areas to get the whole thing down we did great. We left on Saturday and traveled to Louisville, KY where we stopped and spent the night a a Hyatt (of course). Saturday night we went down to 4th Street Live where they have all the night life. We took Kyle to his first Hard Rock. We did not eat there, but did buy him his first Hard Rock T-shirt. We ate at a place called Red Star Tavern outside on the patio. Kyle was able to sit in the high chair for the first time and of course thought it was a wonderful experience! He procede to bang on the table, laugh and yell. After dinner we walked around down town and just took in all the sights. We had a great night sleep and started on our way to TN Sunday morning. Kyle did well again for this leg of the trip. We arrived at our destination around 3pm. Waverly is appox. 70 miles west of Nashville. We had a great relaxing week of fun and lots of food. Kyle had his first bath on the porch in a dish pan..LOL Kyle also went swimming for the very first time and he loved it so much. He was kicking and laughing.