Seriously ... where does the time go? I just picked up Sarah's 3 month pictures and am still in disbelieve that it has already been almost 4 months since I had this precious girl! Sarah has some new milestones. She is always smiling and is starting to laugh. She has a super contagious laugh just like Kyle did when he was and infant. Kyle still has a great belly laugh that just makes you laugh when you hear it. I am sure that Sarah's will be the same way. These three months have seemed to blow by and I have since returned to work. It was a nice time off and I enjoyed spending every minute with the kids. The transition made me a little nervous but so far it has been OK. Everything seems to be working out great (knock on wood)! Pat stays home during the day and they seem to have a great time just playing and hanging out. Since Pat & I do not see a whole lot of each other during the week days, we try to cherish every second on the weekend to make the most of family time.